Albert House
Albert House is one of the four houses in the Dominican Convent Primary School. It is hard- working and united. We always do the best we can. So far our achievements have been, one of the most things Albert is proud of, becoming first in our school swimming galas, 7 times in a row! The colour for Albert House is red and red spells danger.
We are very proud to announce that the head girl of the school for 2010 was in Albert. The head of house is Mrs. Mushangwe and the other teachers are Mrs. Mashanda and Mrs. Mandinde. Albert is a very dedicated and cooperative house. We are organized, creative and let our imaginations explore.
Albert is an academic as well as a sporty house. As much as winning is good participating is greatly encouraged. Some of our goals are to stay united as a family in God’s word, work with diligence and always have a good heart. Albert House is the only house that gives out a good heart badge for we believe people should not be judged by their intelligence but by the beauty that comes from within.
Our house would not be what it is today if it wasn’t for the excellent support we get from the Albert House parents be it on sports days or for fund raising activities. The funds we raise are distributed to less privileged groups in society like Emerald Hill School for pupils with speech and hearing impairment.
One is never sorry to be in Albert House!
The patron saint for Albert House is Saint Albert the great (1207 – 1208 ). He was born in the region of Ausbourg of rich parents. In his studies he had an unusual aptitude for the exact sciences. From an early age he wanted to enter the Order of Dominicans but his uncle opposed to that plan. He then entered the Order aged 16 in 1223. He earned the title Doctor in Theology. Albert was humble and filled with love of God. He taught in Padua and many other cities.
In his teaching experiences he met Saint Thomas Aquinas. Saint Albert composed a large number of writings. He was mentally gifted. In Germany he went about his work with no money and journeyed on foot visiting the many monasteries under his jurisdiction.
He died apparently from fatigue at the age of 73 on November 15, 1280. His body was buried at Cologne in the Dominican church. He was canonized on December 16, 1931. Pope Pius XI proclaimed his holiness. The Pope gave him the title of Doctor of the Church. From time immemorial he has been known as Albert the Great.
Albert House celebrates the Feast of St. Albert on the 15th of November every year.