+263 (242) 793096 / 705150

Information Technology

developing skills for the 21st century


Computers start from Grade 3 up to Grade 7. The syllabus is designed to introduce the young students to the key ICT applications they need to acquire literacy and to understand the impact of technology on our daily lives. Areas covered by students include:

  • word processing
  • computer graphics
  • spreadsheets
  • email
  • internet : via a fast and reliable Fibre optic network
  • presentation

Students learn ICT practical skills; also they learn to consider wider issues such as adapting their work according to the audience and internet safety. Teachers also have internet facilities in their classrooms to enable them to do their research.

Our Mission

To provide the girl child with a reasonably priced, globally competitive holistic education package that is premised on the teaching of the Catholic Faith and its tradition ultimately leading to the development of a wholesome and responsible relationship with oneself, God, neighbor, society and the totality of creation, thereby facilitating the pursuit of the truth in all disciplines.

Our Vision

To be the leading multi-cultural Catholic Girls Primary school in the region that offers a sound holistic education and a first-rate operational climate for pupils, staff and parents in an environmentally friendly atmosphere.

+263 (242) 793096 / 705150