+263 (242) 793096 / 705150


a world of creative exploration


The school has a very good Art department which offers different disciplines of art to all grades. The different disciplines allow the children to be creative and encouraging them to have individualistic approaches in tackling any challenges. The children are also taught to persist and not give up easily having the ability to analyse difficulties and have a range of alternative strategies to solve problems. In so doing they are taught to see learning as an adventure exploring all avenues.

Art club is offered to grades 4-7 on Monday afternoons. Only a selected number is taken. In art club the children have more time which allows them to be adventurous.


Our Mission

To provide the girl child with a reasonably priced, globally competitive holistic education package that is premised on the teaching of the Catholic Faith and its tradition ultimately leading to the development of a wholesome and responsible relationship with oneself, God, neighbor, society and the totality of creation, thereby facilitating the pursuit of the truth in all disciplines.

Our Vision

To be the leading multi-cultural Catholic Girls Primary school in the region that offers a sound holistic education and a first-rate operational climate for pupils, staff and parents in an environmentally friendly atmosphere.

+263 (242) 793096 / 705150